OAFE Update for Thursday, January 30

Some things are rare.

Not like gold or diamonds, but like lunar eclipses or planetary alignments.

Fire up those pagan rituals, because we have just such a monumental event coming at you this week; in the past seven days, all three OAFEs have managed to bring you new reviews!

First we have what has become quite the debated figure: the new Venom. http://www.oafe.net/yo/smvenom.html Is his bluewash good or terrible? Should his face be more McFarlane and less Larsen? Best Venom ever or big disappointment? The world may never know.

Shocka's given us a great en masse review of the tiny Bohrok Va. Watch out for flying krana as you read http://www.oafe.net/shocka/bionva.html

Poe is cranking out the reviews at a heroic rate, giving us all sorts of coolness. First, he's returned to his fetish for big manly men, and brought cool new info in his wake. I may have pondered Trapjaw, but Poe knows the facts: http://www.oafe.net/poe/motu_trapjaw.html

Then, keeping with the trend, one of the GIJoe vs. Cobra sets: http://www.oafe.net/poe/gijarh_sess.html

We've got a new Point of Articulation, too. With a straightforward title, "An Open Letter to KB Toys" is at http://www.oafe.net/articulation/012503.html

The line-up for Marvel Legends Series 4 has been announced, and we've got it on the Loafing Lounge. Since the direct link would be wicked long, just click over from http://www.oafe.net/new.html and let us know what you think of Toy Biz's plans.

Of course, no OAFE Update would be complete without a sneak preview. Remember N2 Toys? Their Matrix figures were okay, but everything else... well, just go to http://www.oafe.net/poe/tick.html and see what Poe has to say about the Tick.

We're only days away from Toy Fair 2003 and yes, a lot of toy sites are gearing up for the event. But I can guarantee you that what we're doing come February is going to knock your socks off. It's completely unlike anything else you'll find.

Until next time, keep playing with those toys. And if anybody finds a movie Daredevil figure, keep me in mind...

buy the toys, not the hype

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