I've tried, in previous years, to keep track of everything I bought, but I always petered out somewhere in the middle. Oh, I'd start well enough, but then I'd fall a few days behind, or I'd lose some receipts or whatever. I never saw it through.
And though I actually got a late start in 2007 (I didn't start writing things down until Feb. 7), I did my best to stay on top of the purchases all year long. So here, without further ado, is the evidence of a life (and a fortune) mis-spent:
Well, there it is. I think that's everything. An entire year's worth of shopping trips in one long, daunting list. And that was with trying to stick to a budget (an effort which redefines the phrase "epic fail") and 2007's terribly frustrating distribution. If not for those factors, this list would have a lot more Transformers, Minimates, Sigma 6, NECA... you get the idea.
But going back over all these purchases, I only regret two or three of the figures, and those are my own fault: it took me way too long to realize that my local comicshop wasn't giving me any kind of bulk discount for buying an entire case of DCD figures. And only one figure on this list did I eventually return: Titanium Soundwave. Everything else, I'm glad I got it. I'm glad I have it. And going over the list, it's funny how many of these purchases I can distinctly remember; it's not just "oh, this came from Wal*Mart," but specifically which Wal*Mart it came from. And when you have nine Wal*Marts around you, that's no small feat.
A few notes: obviously, one "purchase" count individual figures. A five-figure box set counts as one, not as five. Things that I bought for trades aren't included on the list. And the prices on stuff from my regular comicshop are rounded off: they don't include my discount or the sales tax; I figure it evens out.
Here are some numbers:
Total number of purchases: 408
Total number of figures: 601
Total money spent: $4,884.29
Average spent per purchase: $11.97
Average spent per figure: $8.13
Average per month: $407.02; 34 purchases; 50.1 figures
Average per week: $93.93; 7.85 purchases; 11.56 figures
Average per day: $13.38; 1.1 purchases; 1.65 figures
By store:
Wal*Mart: 102 purchases
Comicshops: 86 purchases
Target: 56 purchase
TRU 49 purchases
Suncoast: 22 purchases
Hot Topic: 14 purchases
FYE: 3 purchases
Grocery store: 1 purchase
Longest gap between purchases: 12 days (Feb. 12-23, July 6-17)
Most days in a row with purchases: 3 (April 2-4, Sept. 4-6, Nov. 2-4)
Most expensive day: Sept. 8 (Baltimore Comic-Con: $202.00)
I don't expect 2008 will be quite as huge. I spent my 2007 budget twice, and this list doesn't even include things like comics, movies, eating out, etc. I'm trying harder this year to stick to my budget - but then, it's not like I was ignoring it last year, either.