has finally released the second portion of their interview with Mike Markowitz of Mezco Toys. Markowitz gives some insights on the long-awaited Cryptozoology line - it will be out in 2003. But that's the good news - the bad news is, the figures have been shrunk to a 4" scale, a decision I must say leaves me cold. I don't collect the 4" scale, so I won't be getting these.
Why the shrinkage? I suspect it has to do with production costs, something Markowitz comments on later in the interview:
I stay off the Internet pretty much because I find it - I guess the most politically-correct way to put it is "frustrating" - reading some of the collectors' input. I don't think that they either consider the complete picture, or maybe don't understand the whole [toymaking] process, but [marketing a product] is not just about [saying], "Hey, this is great! Let's do it."
Wise words not often heard in any business these days. This is a large part of what hurt N2 (now Mirage) Toys - getting great licenses, then failing miserably with the follow-through. Mezco has consistently treated its niche-market lines with respect, as its excellent Reservoir Dogs and Popeye lines testify. I'm glad to see somewhat like Markowitz try and inject a little reality into figure fandom; I just hope he's not getting cynical. It would be a shame if Mezco, in its bid to become a more successful company, switched its focus to the super-mainstream market (such as its upcoming Osbournes toys, which I couldn't possibly be less interested in).