It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover.
This isn't strictly a toy, but on page 52, you'll find a joint venture between Dark Horse Comics and DC Direct. It's the Golden Age Flash, as part of DH's "Classic Comic Characters" series of statuettes. He's limited to 2,000 pieces and comes in a nifty tin.
Speaking of DC Direct, their listings start on page 129 with Justice Series 6. This time you can get Alex Ross renditions of Hawkgirl, Scarecrow, Batman (armored) and Green Lantern (armored). Only four figures this time? Are they running out of characters?
DC Minimates Series 5 are solicited on page 131, and the first four series (none of which have been released yet) are listed on the following page. #5 has Captain Marvel/Mary Marvel, Hawkman/Hawkgirl, Guy Gardner/Killowog and Red Tornado/Ma Hunkel. Because you demanded it!
McFarlane Toys has a nice selection starting with page 167's Spawn VCD. What's a VCD? Vinyl Collector's Doll, an over-priced superdeformed statue. Yay.
Spawn Series 31 gets a two-page spread on 168/9. Some of them look pretty nice, but none are really "must-haves," are they? This ad just makes me nostalgic for when McToys used to be a good company: back when they used to matter.
Selling out just a little bit more, the Spawn Bearbrick is on page 170. It's a Kubrick with a bear's head, painted to look like Spawn. I secretly want one, no lie. But if it costs more than, say, $3, it's not worth it.
Page 193 introduces us to Series 15 and 16 of the Marvel Minimates, and they both look good. 15 is all Ghost Rider: Blackheart/Ghost Rider, Roxanne/Caretaker, Johnny Blaze/Mephisto and a Johnny Blaze variant. Is the variant the biker gear or the stuntman gear? Can't say. Series 16 is Classic Avengers: Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver, She-Hulk/Wonder Man, Thor/Loki and a bearded Thor variant, which also has the facemask part of the helmet.
This isn't a toy, but Teddy Scares are getting a comicbook. The bears are really well-done, so the comic might be worth a look. It's on page 225.
Now we jump to the back of the book. On page 414, you'll see the listing for South Park Series 5, featuring Hippie Exterminator Cartman, Damien, Mephisto w/ Kevin, and the figure yo has been waiting for, Tweak. Whoa! Due in May.
Also on page 414 is a new series of Transformers Titaniums. The big ones that actually transform, not the crummy ones. Scheduled for May, this particular release supposed to include Ultra Magnus, the Fallen, and Megatron. Could that be the long-awaited War Within Megatron? Let's hope so.
Fans of big toys will like page 415, which offers the next set of Marvel Legends Icons: Punisher and Dr. Doom. You know, if you're one of the five people who want a 12" Punisher or Dr. Doom and didn't pick up the movie ones when they were clearanced to about $5 apiece.
Marvel's listing spills over to page 416, where it's revealed that Hasbro Legends 2 will ship in May. Thank god! Spread these damn lines out, some - everyone is still broke from the glut of product ToyBiz squeezed out at the end of '06.
Like magic? Harry Potter Bust-Ups are listed on page 420.
The most surprising Minimates in quite some time are on page 420: Rocky Minimates. It's actually a four-piece box set with Rocky, Adrian, Mickey and Training Gear Rocky. Oh, and also? The Meat! Everybody loves The Meat.
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan is on page 427. There's Khan, of course, and a suspiciously slender Kirk, as well as Captain Terrell. And for hardcore Trekkies, an exclusive variant Kirk with folded down jacket and a blood spot. Woo. Epic choice, guys.
The theme of the Star Wars 2007 Basic Assortment, on page 428, seems to be "headgear." The Rebel Sentry Honor Guard and Death Star Trooper have removable helmets, Luke Skywalker has his medal (it slips over his head, so it counts), Han Solo has the headgear he wore in the gunner's station, and the Ralph McQuarrie Concept Boba Fett actually has two different heads.
On the same page there's a Clone Wars Clone Trooper Bust-Ups Box Set, featuring four candy-colored troopers and Jedi general Saesee Tiin.
Previews has a new section entirely dedicated to designer toys, starting on page 445. If you want anything from these pages, be ready to pay through the nose. One thing does stand out, though: John Kovalic's My Li'l Cthulhu and Little Victims and Little Minions set, on page 449. Much cooler than SOTA's.