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Monthly Archives: April 2007
One week count-down!
There are a mere seven days until Free Comicbook Day 2007! You go to a comicshop, you pick up some comics, and you pay without leaving leave without paying. It's gold! It's this Saturday, May 5, and you can find … Continue reading
OAFEnet Update for Thursday, April 26
Hit ctrl-alt-delete to restart the OAFEnet Email Update. Another week, another crop of reviews. Computer's on the fritz, so we only have a hit-and-run update for you this week. Read 'em slow - savor the experience.
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OAFEnet Update for Thursday, April 19
If the OAFEnet Email Update was a drug, I'd sell it by the gram. So, have you done all your holiday shopping? You stocked up on your snack foods and rented your terrible movies? Tomorrow is 4/20 so, like, half … Continue reading
Posted in OEU
Wolverine Minimates
In today's review of the X3 Wolverine and Phoenix Marvel Minimates, yo mentioned that made an even dozen Wolverines. Is that true, or was he exaggerating? Let's count! And now, some more OAFEry:Spider-Man: Morlun addendum Soon Forget: ToyBiz "Fat Bat" … Continue reading
What is wrong with people?
So get this: apparently some folks got so pissed off at our April Fools' Day joke, which claimed that we'd been sent a cease and desist letter from Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc that they actually sent angry, rude and threatening … Continue reading
Posted in AFD, announcements
Somebody get Marvel on the phone!
Over on our message board, The Loafing Lounge, every so often the conversation turns toward how we want a figure of Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man. For those not in the know, Jamie is a mutant with the ability to … Continue reading →