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Monthly Archives: May 2007
OAFEnet Update for Thursday, May 31
Of all the emails you get this week, the OAFEnet Email Update is one of them. Most of our reviews this week were accompanied by blog posts, as well, so don't forget to follow those links - you never know … Continue reading
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The secret of 52 is... out!
In today's review of Supernova, yo mentioned that Dan DiDio spoiled the big surprise ending of 52 in one of the weekly "DC Nation" columns. So here, from Week 37, is what he said:
Posted in addendums, DC
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This week in comicshops - 05/31
Find out what toy-related items you can get at your local comicshop this Thursday. Yes, new comics arrive on thursday this week - Memorial Day, you know?
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Booster Gold, changing history
DC doesn't operate on the same kind of timeline that Marvel does. In the Marvel Universe, if you travel back in time and change something, you create a new alternate reality that then has no bearing on your own. In … Continue reading
Pirates of the Caribbean
yo sez: Okay, so the new Pirates movie opened today, and it's excellent. Superb. A big step up from Dead Man's Chest. Go see it, and stay 'til after the credits. Wonderful film. So anyway, the movies are good, but … Continue reading
Posted in commentary, NECA
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OAFEnet Update for Thursday, May 17
Now with an extra-flaky crust, it's the OAFEnet Email Update! This week we've got a big OEU for you - so big, in fact, that we're actually starting with a message board link!
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Let's get ready to rumble!
If something looks a bit off about the "real" Civic Si picture in yo's review of the Alternators Rumble, it's because the photograph he used is actually my car...a 2006 Civic Si, to be sure, just like Rumble...but a Fiji … Continue reading
What's up with Transformers movie product
A lot of people are starting to find Transformers toys on shelves, and some are running into big headaches - namely, stores telling them that the toys aren't for sale, because they were put out early. Yes, like those terrible … Continue reading →