So, this has become a good-sized little con. It's changed location within the convention center since the last time I was there - moved to the basement, oddly enough. Hopefully next year they'll have a few more ticket windows open in the morning - there was a huge line to get the entry wristbands. Other than that, everything ran smoothly.
It's still a "one-day" con - got in around 11 and left before 5:30, and still accomplished everything I wanted to. Walked the entire floor, talked to a lot of creators, did comparison shopping, all that. It actually reminded me, in a good way, of the first time I went to Wizard World. Last time, Baltimore was one step above a comic show in a hotel ballroom - this was much better.
I took more than 50 books along, including five graphic novels, and ended up getting all but eight signed - there were only three creators that were MIA. And a couple of those books were signed by more than one person, too. Some of the lines moved rather slowly, thanks to sketchbooks and people who need to get their entire freaking collection signed, but I've stood in lines that took longer even with a two-book limit. When your biggest complaint is that you have to wait a few minutes to get everything you want, that's not much of a problem, is it?
So if you're looking for a good "small" con experience, hit up Baltimore. Consider it a practice run before you move up to the big leagues, like SDCC or Heroes Con. You'll have a great time, and probably come home with a pile of swag. But do it soon: Baltimore isn't going to be a "small" con for much longer.