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Monthly Archives: August 2008
The story of Gothitropolis
In today's review of the Gothitropolis Timekeepers, we mentioned how cool the logo looks: And now, some more OAFEry:Gothitropolis: Anubos FANtastic Exclusive review Gothitropolis: Nergall FANtastic Exclusive review Gothitropolis: Melchom FANtastic Exclusive review Gothitropolis: bone wings FANtastic Exclusive review Scarabus … Continue reading
Marvel Legends Savage Land addendum: the Jungle Trinity
Today's review of the Marvel Legends Savage Land box set (rightly) praised Frank Cho's artwork for the packaging, so here's a good look at an uncluttered line art:
Legendary Heroes Body Bags addendum: Blanc Noir
Mack and Panda (of today's new review) aren't the only characters who could appear in ToyBiz's Legendary Heroes line - they were part of a whole publishing initiative from Dark Horse Comics, Blanc Noir. And now, some more OAFEry:LCBH SuperPatriot … Continue reading
A note about Transformers
In today's TF Classics Nemesis Prime review, yo pointed out that Hasbro always says the toys "convert" or "morph," never that they "transform." Know why they do that? To help protect their trademark. When a particular brand-name becomes so identified … Continue reading
Xevoz custom - Breeze Banshee
Only one new Xevoz custom design today, but it's a lot better than the last Hyperfury he did! There's a lot more clever design in this figure than the Hydro Maiden - the body looks like a hurricane, the same … Continue reading
GI Joe meets John Carpenter
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #156 GI Joe Movie Watch: A trio of leaders Flippin' through Previews - December '11 If Disney ever buys Hasbro, this could really happen Deadpool/GI Joe mashup
The perfect summer convention exclusive toy
It's that time of year again, when we start reviewing all the SDCC exclusives. And by "reviewing" I mean "judging." We talk a lot about what whether exclusives are good or bad choices (independent of whether they're good or bad … Continue reading →