The TMNT & Other Strangeness blog has an interview with Ninja Turtles writer Steve Murphy (who as of late has become depressingly doom-and-gloom about the world due to his belief that the environment is already screwed).
Anyway, here's the relevant passage for those hoping for the second series of NECA TMNT figures.
Speaking of comic figures, do you have any clue what happened with NECA?
I can only hazard to guess that NECA lost interest in the TMNT, regardless of the happy talk they make to fan journalists and fan news sites.
You say NECA seems to have lost interest, does that mean that the recent news of series 2 finally coming out will not be coming true after all or is it all just a wait and see sort of deal again?
My opinion is that it's just like that line from Devo's "Jocko Homo" song: "I say it's all / Just wind in sails." In other words, nonsense, public relations, nothing substantial.
NECA wants us to open a certain distribution channel for them but we're prevented from doing so.
Without that new avenue of sales, I doubt very much that NECA will release anything further.
My guess? NECA wants to sell these in Toys Я Us, but they can't due to Playmates' deal with Mirage.
As good of a source as Murphy is for information, he's a bit out there. The doom and gloom bit is right on, as he's really burned out with the turtles stuff. He's become really negative with the whole thing.
Seeing as how several sites are taking preorders, I'm hoping Murph is wrong in this instance and that series 2 is still on.
In fact after reading that whole interview, I'd probably just dismiss this. Not only is Vaughn Michael a terrible person to get information from, but Murph's whole demeanor appears to be to bury TMNT and Mirage throughout. That was just one long bitter and poorly informed rant passed off as "news".
I want my NECA Shredder and Foot excellent as the NECA figures are Playmates 25th comi figures look pretty good.