"Lost" Megos Series 2 in danger of being canceled

So laser-focused fansite The Island of Lost Megos is reporting that the second series of Bif Bang Pow's Lost dollies may never see the light of day due to low preorders. In their article, MegoScott says:

"I got to speak with Jason Labowitz, co-owner of Bif Bang Pow yesterday to get the latest news on the status of the Lost action figures. ... BBP says that if they don't get enough pre-sales by March 1 they won't be able to start production on Wave 2 in time for a July delivery."

Read the full article for more bad news and some good news (though which is which is dependent largely on what you think of the toys).

In all truth, it seems that, as a license, Lost's time has passed. The property isn't the white-hot name it was at the show's peak, and now that it's off the air for nearly a year, the desire for merchandise is fading from the public's mind. It doesn't help that Bif Bang Pow was doing Mego-style figures: those are a niche product to begin with, so when you're aiming your product at a small sliver of consumers inside another small sliver of consumers, you're going to struggle. BBP needs to stop trying to re-create the toys of their childhoods and start making modern action figures, or they're going to join all the other failed and forgotten companies as a footnote in the history of the industry.

If you are a fan of the Lost figures, though, you should definitely preorder them while you can. As a reminder, the breakdowns are:

So if you want any of those, act now or kick yourself forever.*

*Or at least until you find a way to send your mind back in time and tell yourself retroactively to buy them now. Just make sure you have an emotional tether to keep you from getting permanently lost in time.

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3 Responses to "Lost" Megos Series 2 in danger of being canceled

  1. Poe Ghostal says:

    The property isn't the white-hot name it was at the show's peak, and now that it's off the air for nearly a year, the desire for merchandise is fading from the public's mind.

    Yeah. BBP must have outbid Mezco for the license--that's usually their thing.

  2. PrfktTear says:

    As a huge fan of LOST and an action figure collector you'd think I would be all over these, but I'm not in the least bit interested.

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