The OAFEnet Email Update reminds you it's time to check your smoke detectors.
No, really - Daylight Savings started this past weekend (or did it end? One or the other, who can tell?), and that's when they say you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors. It's easy to remember to check them when you're changing all the clocks, but these days most devices change their own clocks. So this has been an OAFEnet public service announcement. Go push the button and scare everyone around you.
- Many fans are apparently complaining about the figure covered in this week's Joe Friday, but is it well founded?
- Here's a toy of a character from a peppy, kid-friendly movie. No, really!
- This is one for the brainy crowd: a movie toy review that's paired with a history and etymology lesson.
- Here's something a little bit racy - a topless teen with long blonde hair wearing short cutoffs. How misleadingly titillating!
- Of course, we wrapped up the week with Rustin's newest collection of swag.
And while you're on the blog, check out all the other stuff we posted this week, including several amusing videos and a mini-review you'll see nowhere else. It's a great way to pass the time!