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It's SDCC time, and Rustin is there! He'll be providing updates on the blog, so check there for the newest news. But right now, we have some reviews to force upon you!
- How about a leafy green custom to start the week?
- We didn't have a Friday review, but we made up for it by reviewing two things on Saturday.
- Marvel Monday is a movie figure that everybody's after, but nobody (except Rustin) seems to be able to find.
- Spin right round like a record with MOTU Monday.
- This Transformers Tuesday figure might as well be an online exclusive.
- Wednesday's review is proof that even before he was the head of Marvel, Joe Quesada was trying his best to ruin DC Comics.
- And Rustin's Spoils of the Week displays perfect timing: it's all about SDCC exclusives!
Be sure to visit the blog for more than just the SDCC news, too: in order to celebrate tomorrow's release of the Captain America movie, we reviewed all the Cap Minimates this week, one set per day. So hit up to make sure you read them all.