Since the beginning, DC Direct has consistently had trouble with one particular joint. Their toys have never come close to being super-articulated, but they've mostly been serviceable. However, there's a distinct lack of waist joints. In some cases we can... well, not "overlook" that, but at least excuse it. Some characters don't have any sort of a break in their costume there, so a waist joint would look out of place; but what really grinds is when a figure has a visual break, where a joint could easily be hidden, but DCD still forgoes the articulation. Since it's a very elite club, DC figures with waists, we've decided to start a list. Clearly it's not comprehensive, but consider it a start.
- 1999
- Death
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- Lex Luthor
- White Lantern Batman
- Damien Wayne Robin
- Knight
- Man-of-Bats
- Brother Warth
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
If you know any others, let us know in the comments and we'll add them.
DC Direct's Damian Wayne (as Robin) has a waist.
The Secret Files Killer Croc has a waist joint.
So does the Penguin in that same series, actually.
DC Direct New Gods Darkseid has a waist
Brother Warth had a ball jointed belly/waist. It was surprisingly awesome!
Ugh, this is a sad testament to the pathetic service DC Direct provides its fans. For over 10 years, customers have been begging for more articulation (BASIC, industry-standard artic) yet DC Direct (or Collectibles now) has ignored us at almost every turn. I honestly hope they're learning from NECA and Marvel Select, which prove that great sculpt and great articulation are not mutually exclusive. Just imagine a fully articulated Arkham City line. DCC execs must think the sky will rip open if they ever provide ball joint hips and rocker ankles...
Justice Plastic Man
Arkham Asylum Scarecrow
Arkham City Killer Croc