OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, October 27

The OAFEnet Email Update was nearly lost in time!

Sorry we're so late - the week is all screwed up, and we nearly missed the email entirely. Have some quick links:

  • JOE FRIDAY! The toys clearly try to duplicate some of the smoother, simpler aspects of the cartoon, but they stop way short of anything resembling, say, Sigma 6. Snake-Eyes is an extreme example; he's pretty much totally made up of existing parts, many of them coming from previous SE figures...
  • Like the previous figures in this series, Wild West Batman is based on the design work of Andy Kubert. Unlike the other figures in the series, though, this is basically what he wore in the actual comic, too. It's even closer than Puritan Batman's outfit was. He's wearing a black duster...
  • Venkman shares the same body as the other Ghostbusters, which we've come to accept and not really mind. Sure, they all had different bodytypes and are all different heights, but in a loose and baggy set of overalls (which these aren't) everyone becomes the same shape and size. Yep. To borrow...
  • MARVEL MONDAY! Every comicbook fan seems to go through an X-Men period - a span of time when you care about the mutants and follow their books closely. Me, I gave up on the X-Books a long time ago, and the guy I counted on for updates decided to drop comics altogether, so I can't ask him, either...
  • The opening to "Ghostbusters" is an absolute classic, with a librarian encountering a very well-known ghostly archetype haunting the shelves of the New York Public Library. Shortly afterwards our three heroes have their own encounter and are left fleeing in terror after the Grey Lady...
  • Apache Chief comes in seven pieces, like most of Mattel's build-a-figures. If you buy the six figures in Series 18, you can collect the pieces and assemble him yourself. There are no variants in this series, so none of the pieces are more plentiful than the others. That's a nice break...

We would have just left this Update until next week and given you a double-sized offering, but this is the last review to be full of Horror Month goodness, and we didn't want you to miss that. We also didn't want you to miss all the cool stuff we've put on the blog this week - not just Rustin's new Spoils of the Week, but also several videos, some comics, and the weirdest use for a dead pig ever.

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