And since this is an addendum, allow me to take this opportunity to say something important that couldn't be worked into the review: yes, I opened by making fun of NECA's shipping schedule, getting the toys from Game A to market when Game B was released, and the toys from Game B in time to accompany Game C; but make no mistake, that's actually a very clever way to do things.
The characters change very little between installments - especially since AC2AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations all star the same guy, just at different periods in his life. NECA has no guarantee that a particular license is going to be a success (cough cough), so by waiting, they can better gauge the demand.
Assassin's Creed II is a hit, popular enough to warrant a sequel. Therefore you can predict two things: that a lot of people would like to see toys based on ACII, and that interest in the characters will be stirred up again when Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is released; random fans going into the toy aisle aren't going to care that the figure on the shelf isn't based on the newest of new versions - they're just going to want a toy of the character they like. Hell, I wasn't even cognizant of the "one game behind" lag time until I was prepping to write this review and realized the toy didn't represent an old man. I just knew a new Assassin's Creed game was out and a new Assassin's Creed toy was out. So the review may have poked fun, but it's a smart idea.
Though I still wish they'd release some of Ezio's sidekicks, too...
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood addendum
Today we reviewed NECA's Player Select Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Unhooded Ezio (Legendary Assassin) exclusive. Here, enjoy the Zero Punctuation review of the game:
Since the review mentions it, the Assassin's Creed II review can be found here.
And since this is an addendum, allow me to take this opportunity to say something important that couldn't be worked into the review: yes, I opened by making fun of NECA's shipping schedule, getting the toys from Game A to market when Game B was released, and the toys from Game B in time to accompany Game C; but make no mistake, that's actually a very clever way to do things.
The characters change very little between installments - especially since AC2 AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations all star the same guy, just at different periods in his life. NECA has no guarantee that a particular license is going to be a success (cough cough), so by waiting, they can better gauge the demand.
Assassin's Creed II is a hit, popular enough to warrant a sequel. Therefore you can predict two things: that a lot of people would like to see toys based on ACII, and that interest in the characters will be stirred up again when Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is released; random fans going into the toy aisle aren't going to care that the figure on the shelf isn't based on the newest of new versions - they're just going to want a toy of the character they like. Hell, I wasn't even cognizant of the "one game behind" lag time until I was prepping to write this review and realized the toy didn't represent an old man. I just knew a new Assassin's Creed game was out and a new Assassin's Creed toy was out. So the review may have poked fun, but it's a smart idea.
Though I still wish they'd release some of Ezio's sidekicks, too...
And now, some more OAFEry: