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Monthly Archives: August 2012
A new challenger appears!
By Jason Gonzalez via CSBG. And now, some more OAFEry:Minimate Mini-Review #145 - Sentinel & First Appearance Ryu If Disney ever buys Hasbro, this could really happen ATFC '13 - Day 1: Hasbro GI Joe Retaliation goes low-tech In defense … Continue reading
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, August 30
The OAFEnet Email Update is full of more hot air than a political convention. We hope you like Minimates, because we ended up with a lot of them to review this week. And when you consider that last week ENDED … Continue reading
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #69
After a much prolonged hiatus of Comic-Con attending, recuperating and working our dear and beloved Spoils returns with a mighty onslaught Con exclusive toys. Now, I will note this is not every exclusive I bought. What's excluded, though, is being … Continue reading
Posted in Art Asylum, Bandai, Bif Bang Pow, Hasbro, Mattel, Mezco, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Assassin's Creed, Avengers, Batman, Battle Beasts, Doctor Who, Evil Dead, GitD, Godzilla, LotR, Marvel Universe, Minimates, OMFG, Player Select, Thundercats, X-Men
A second real-life Hot Wheels stunt
Remember the Hot Wheels jump at last year's Indianapolis 500? Well they did something cool again this year, at the X-Games: That's 100% real, no tricks. Now all we need is for them to do the big arch that runs … Continue reading
Happy birthday Jack Kirby
Yes, today would have been "The King's" 95th birthday. We're honoring him by proving that anyone who's ever said the people he draws don't look like real humans is, well... Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Rainn Wilson:
Posted in random, videos
Minimate Mini-Review #69 - Motorcycle Cop T-1000 & Battle Damaged Sarah Connor
#69 - Motorcycle Cop T-1000/Battle Damaged Sarah Connor And now, some more OAFEry:Raw10 - Fren-Z exclusive review Rustin's Spoils of the Week #153 When you wear a nerdy shirt and some boy starts quizzing you Even villains are getting ready … Continue reading
Rustin Parr's "Top 10" votes
All month we've been naming the best toys of the past 10 years. And now we're going to show you how everybody voted. Here are Rustin's rankings:
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Public humiliation done right
An awesome story from some rando's Tumblr: Took my little sister toy shopping today. After much browsing, she chose a pack of Hot Wheels cars. She wanted to pay so I gave her the money. As we were waiting in … Continue reading
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Poe Ghostal's "Top 10" votes
All month we've been naming the best toys of the past 10 years. And now we're going to show you how everybody voted. Here are Poe's rankings:
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