On August 20, 2002 - 10 years ago today - OAFEnet went live, beginning with an announcement on the Spawn message board. In the past decade, we've covered more than 4,500 figures in 3,107 reviews, each packed with more information than you can find anywhere else - no fill-in-the-blank, cookie-cutter reviews here. We've reviewed everything from the newest thing on shelves to the oldest thing in our toyboxes.
But we've also given you much more than that. Only at OAFEnet can you find Points of Articulation, the column that takes an in-depth look at issues affecting the toy industry, whether good or bad. You can get a laugh over in our Figuretoons, or argue the finer points of... well, pretty much anything on the Loafing Lounge. OAFEnet is your one-stop source for online action figure entertainment, and your #1 source for toy reviews.
And we wouldn't have been able to do any of it without you. Thanks for coming by every day and giving us a reason to ramble on about things that don't matter. When we started, we never could have imagined that we'd still be doing the same thing 10 years later.
This year's biggest change is to the photos: we've made them larger, so now most of the main pictures in the reviews are 100% actual size, to better help you know how figures will look when they're standing next to each other. We've even going back and updating the old reviews, though that's obviously going to be a looong process. Stick with us, and maybe we'll be done by the time we reach our 20th anniversary.
Cheers! Happy 10th birthday! from a longtime Loafer!