The postman always rings twice. So does the OAFEnet Email Update.
So apparently last week some of you got the OEU two times, and some never got it at all. Some sort of strange digital hiccup that hopefully won't be repeated this week. But remember, if you ever miss the email, you can always at least come read it on the blog.
- Last week's preview was Joe Friday, which wasn't very far in advance, but it saved you some reading time that could better be spent on shopping at ungodly hours.
- Saving money by reusing molds doesn't work if you keep redoing the molds, now does it?
- Marvel Monday is an opportunity to laugh at someone else's over-spending.
- What do you call an army-builder who's way too hard to find? We call it Transformers Tuesday.
- We posted a new seasonal Point of Articulation column this week that has been nearly a year in the making.
- And to close the week out, a character who's just about the least toyetic guy you can imagine.
If you didn't read the blog last week because of Thanksgiving, make sure you scroll back far enough to catch up on everything. It's been a good week, if we do say so ourselves!