#181 - Abel vs. Kazuya
Abel was created as a replacement body for M. Bison. He was discarded as a faulty product, but he managed to survive and now hunts the Shadaloo organization to find out the truth about his past.
Wow, M. Bison wanted to look like this? Or is the appearance what marked this clone as "faulty"? I mean, he apparently doesn't know how to finish dressing himself, because he's wearing the top of a blue gi, but he seems to have forgotten his pants. White bike shorts with stripes on the outsides of the legs don't count. He has new feet with short bootfronts attached, and is wearing white fighting gloves. His face, chest and arms are painted with scars, and his new blonde hair has a weird little bouffant in the front.
A cold-blooded killer who has awakened the power of the devil, Kazuya is an arrogant and brutal man, and has fought countless times against both his father, Heihachi, and his son Jin.