Lego Batman Minifigures: Kite Man review

Mini-Figure Mini-Reviews

Kite Man calls himself the master of kites. He wears a picture of a kite on his costume, uses kites for all of his supervillain tools and weapons, and even flies with the help of a giant kite when committing minor robberies and being a general nuisance. Although he's surprisingly nimble in the air, it's usually pretty easy to defeat him by just poking a hole in his kite.

Bat-Fact: Once beat Batman. Batman doesn't like to talk about it.

Charles "Chuck" Brown (get it?) was created by Bill Finger and Dick Sprang for 1960's Batman #133, where, yes, he did beat Batman and Robin. He's one of the major "joke" villains, alongside ones like Crazy Quilt, the Penny Plunderer, or Polka-Dot Man. This minifigure is available in the Riddler's Riddle Racer set, but if you're just collecting minifigs, be aware: his "kite" (actually more of a wingpack) is made from 16 pieces within the set, so you'll have to get those separately. Honestly, doing it that way seems like a cop-out. They could have used pirate ship sails to make him an actual kite, rather than this technological little thing. He and his wings would have been perfect for one of those polybag sets Rustin loves so much, if he were less obscure.

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