Look for your faves, but do not trust to hope - it has forsaken these shelves

In 2003, while in Japan to promote The Return of the King, stars Viggo Mortensen and Karl Urban stopped in at a shop that sold Gundam toys:

Viggo and Karl stand by a shelf of Gundam kits, comparing the ones they've selected

Viggo scans the shelves while Karl kneels on the floor, his lap stacked full of Gundam boxes

Whether or not this was some passing fancy, they clearly went super hard into buying Gundams that day:

together, they pose for the camera next to the checkout, their arms absolutely full of figures

What a delightful pair of nerds!

Karl Urban as Executioner saying "Behold! My stuff!" while gesturing at several Gundam models

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One Response to Look for your faves, but do not trust to hope - it has forsaken these shelves

  1. Ai Muhao says:

    Ooooh! And I see they also picked up an Alien Baltan from Ultraman!

    Also, at the risk of sounding like one of those 'Erh, actually...'-types, it looks like they went more for the action figures than the model kits, based on that last shot of them in front of the cashier.

    But what a selection! Kampfer, Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog, Origins Zaku... even if you know nothing about Gundam, those are still some cool designs.

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