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Author Archives: Shocka
Now that's how to display Muppets!
This is such a good idea! Taken from Facebook so you don't have to go there And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - November '15 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #184 ATFC - Palisades (+ Frank the Bunny) ATFC … Continue reading
When they get tired of He-Man, they could start doing these
If you're a Mythic Legions fan on Facebook, the Mythic Legions Cabal is a great place to discuss the line as well as share customs and general enthusiasm for 4H's exceptional work. Contributor Kirby Smith had a great idea that … Continue reading
From Mythic Legions Cabal FB group
Is this why Anubis put Bastet in a sarcophagus? And now, some more OAFEry:If you can dodge a holiday ghost, you can dodge a ball Little sample of the holiday counter top display Four Horsemen present: Jacob Marley Four Horsemen … Continue reading
The REAL Castle Grayskullman
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #57 When all the volcanic Snake Mountain fumes finally get to you Who is Preternia Disguise He-Man? Hot Wheels Character Cars Masters of the Universe Series 1 reviews Marvel Legends addendum: … Continue reading
Winter Mech is coming to town
Want to really spice up your holiday display? How about a tremendous Christmas Voltron? Lego fan MartyTheLegoParty designed this ambulatory Santa village using pieces from at least five seasonal sets: Winter Village Cottage (10229) Santa's Workshop (10245) Winter Village Station … Continue reading
Posted in customs, Lego, lists
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Fortnite: Back Board (Banana & Cuddle) review
Here's an unexpected thing! During Season 9 of Fortnite, there was a set of challenges tied in with the "Downtown Drop" game mode. "Downtown Drop" was a collaboration between Fortnite and Nike, in which you slid down hills collecting coins. … Continue reading