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Category Archives: Rustin’s Spoils of the Week
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #234
I set aside a couple of boxes of preorders and deliveries at the end of October and just tripped over them, so thank you Samhain for that belated trick resulting in this timely treat! And now, some more OAFEry:New Robosapiens … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Alien, Deadpool, GitD, Godzilla, Marvel Legends, NYCC 2024, Power Rangers, ReAction, SDCC 2024, Spider-Man, TMNT, Universal Monsters, X-Men
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #233
What's this? What's this!? There's purchases everywhere! What's this? There's toys in my hands! Depressions and broke-ness have abounded of late but visiting a Target recently I found an impressive array of discounted figures so gave in to my sweet … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #232
Awhile back last year I went on a bit of old-fashioned toy run one Saturday and "retail therapy"-ed at a bunch of Targets. I then promptly set the bags aside... until now! And now, some more OAFEry:The #WheresRey people don't … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Captain Marvel, MotU, Thor, TMNT, zombies
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #231
With Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire about to open in theaters, it seems a ripe time to catch up on my annual(ish) tradition of Ghostbusters-themed October Spoils; which I had meant for last year before the ol' depression ghoulies pried me away. … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #230
Well, after years dillying, dallying, and dilly-dallying we're getting this ship back on its original course... here are the genuine spoils of my past week! Can you believe it!? No recap, no themes, just what I actually got! Well, I … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged D&D, Fantastic Four, GI Joe, ReAction, Willow
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #229
Well... the last few years certainly were a challenge for all of us. When SDCC 2020 was cancelled, I pulled out my haul from SDCC 2019 to review, but that just sort of bummed me out some more on top … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged Alien, Avengers, Golden Girls, Hulk, Iron Man, Marvel Legends, Predator, Reel Toys, SDCC 2019, Spider-Man, Star Trek, Thor, Wolverine, X-Men
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #228
Well, what a thing the last two years have been. Really hoped I could get more "back in the saddle" with Spoils this year, and while they clearly hasn't panned out I certainly can't risk missing ye olde annual Ghostbuster … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #227
Well it wouldn't be Halloween at OAFE without my annual roundup of Ghostbusters toys! It's kind of amazing to think back to time when we had no figures from the movies, and here we are... with the fourth license-holder starting … Continue reading
Imaginext DC Blind Bagged Figures Series 6
The Imaginext Bind Bag series are things I really, really enjoy but I've found them increasingly tough to find over the last several waves series. Fortunately, this sixth series of the DC ones seemed to be a return to ample … Continue reading
Posted in codes, DC, Mattel, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Batman, Justice League, Superman
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Imaginext DC Blind Bagged Figures Series 2
The first series of DC Imaginext Blinds Bags was a big surprise but was, and has been, notoriously difficult to find, even after a re-release a year or two ago! So it was a great relief to find this second … Continue reading
Posted in codes, DC, Mattel, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Aquaman, Green Lantern, Imaginext, Superman
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