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Category Archives: Four Horsemen
Slightly LESS haunted, now
It seems the Four Horsemen were offering a new edition of their Figura Obscura Ghost of Jacob Marley, done in "Haunted Blue" glow-in-the-dark paint. The keyword there being "were," because they've given this update: The new “Haunted Blue” Ghost of … Continue reading
Four Horsemen present: Frankenstein's Creature
A few weeks ago, we reminded everyone that it was almost time for another Figura Obscura release, and yesterday the Horsemen sent out an email saying today would be the day. Good timing! The teaser image in the email was … Continue reading
When they get tired of He-Man, they could start doing these
If you're a Mythic Legions fan on Facebook, the Mythic Legions Cabal is a great place to discuss the line as well as share customs and general enthusiasm for 4H's exceptional work. Contributor Kirby Smith had a great idea that … Continue reading
From Mythic Legions Cabal FB group
Is this why Anubis put Bastet in a sarcophagus? And now, some more OAFEry:If you can dodge a holiday ghost, you can dodge a ball
Four Horsemen present: Anubis & Bastet
This time last year we were getting Sun Wu Kong, so I guess "the middle of May" is now a Figura Obscrura time, like Halloween and Giftsmas. It is time to unwrap a new Figura Obscura. Tomorrow (Saturday, 05/18/24), the … Continue reading
Four Horsemen present: Jacob Marley
Last year we got the Headless Horseman in October, and Father Christmas in December; this year we got the Masque of the Red Death in October, and now the Four Horsemen are already back with another new thing! You will … Continue reading
Four Horsemen present: Masque of the Red Death
Another season, another reason, for spendin' money! It was just a few months ago we got Sun WuKong, and now it's time for a new Four Horsemen offering. They didn't say what would be on sale, just a bunch of … Continue reading
Four Horsemen present: Sun Wukong
The Horsemen have insisted that all the Figura Obscura figures so far being holiday-related has been a coincidence, and now they're proving it: Are you ready for Figura Obscura's return? Then head over to StoreHorsemen.com tomorrow at 9am EST (or … Continue reading
Figura Obscura Gods of Ancient Egypt packaging
The Figura Obscura packages are always pretty good, and we normally just talk about them in the reviews. But this newest release, the Gods of Ancient Egypt, has a problem. The mysteries of ancient Egypt, including the various deities they … Continue reading →