Category Archives: ATFC

ATFC '14 - Day 2: Playmates - TMNT

And now, some more OAFEry:Star Trek: The (Stop-)Motion Picture ATFC '13 - Day 2: Playmates Rustin's Spoils of the Week #78 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #195 Minimalist Lego designs

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ATFC '14 - Day 2: Mattel

And now, some more OAFEry:Soon Forget: MotU vs. DC DC Universe Classics 17: Blue Lantern Flash review Children of the '90s Try to Explain '80s Cartoons Eternia Minis: Fisto review Flippin' through Previews - August '11

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ATFC '14 - Day 1: Hasbro - My Little Pony

And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - September '14 GI Joe: Re-Stallion-ation My Little Gowron Flippin' through Previews - September '12 Flippin' through Previews - August '13

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ATFC '13 - Day 1: Hasbro

So, thanks to the blizzard that hit New York last night, we were unable to provide you with the streaming Toy Fair coverage we hoped for. But we did have a photographer there, so you can see the entire showroom … Continue reading

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ATFC '12 - Day 5: everyone else

Here's McFarlane: And now, some more OAFEry:Walking Dead Mystery Minis: Carol Peletier review Rustin's Spoils of the Week #146 How Halo figures are made Zombie Lab: Ethan (E003) exclusive review Walking Dead Mystery Minis: T-Dog (In Memorium) review

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ATFC '12 - Day 5: CS Moore Studios

If you missed our live interview with sculptor Clayburn Moore, here's an encore presentation: And now, some more OAFEry:ATFC '12 - Day 3: Lego ATFC '12 - Day 2: Playmates ATFC '12 - Day 1: Hasbro ATFC '12 - Day … Continue reading

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ATFC '12 - Day 4: Mezco

Earthworm Jim! Mars Attacks! More Little Big Planet! And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - October '15 McFarlane Toys heads on down to South Park Universal Monsters Mystery Minis - black and white Wolf Man exclusive review Flippin' through … Continue reading

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ATFC '12 - Day 4: Bandai

We start with Power Rangers, ten Godzilla around the 24 minute mark, Thundercats at 29, and Ben 10 at 39. Feel free to jump around. And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #137 Power Rangers: Sabertooth Tiger Zord … Continue reading

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ATFC '12 - Day 3: NECA

And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - August '14 Flippin' Through Previews - September '09 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #87 Spyro the Dragon addendum Flippin' Through Previews - July '10

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ATFC '12 - Day 3: Diamond

Diamond had a lot of cool stuff on display from their various vendors: And after the jump, a guided tour by Zach Oat: And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #229 Trekformers II: robots where no man has … Continue reading

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