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Category Archives: random
Godzilla Mystery Minis - Mothra review
And now, some more OAFEry:Horror Classics Mystery Minis - Beetlejuice reviews Barbie's Best Kept Secret DC Bombshells Mystery Minis - Wonder Woman review Heroes of the Storm Mystery Minis - Stitches ATFC '13 - Day 2: Bandai
Care to elaborate on that?
And now, some more OAFEry:You can find anything at the Ninjago City Market! The Piraka Rap (Extended) Thunderbolts spoilers: Remember Bionicle? It's back! In PWG form! My hobbies include: Dusting, and Buying Shelves
The glass is half full (of Energon)
And now, some more OAFEry:BotCon reveal: Wildrider Trans5mers: Planet of the Earth trailer Transformers Kre-O Slipstrike review PSYbertron Style Change-Bots come to Kickstarter
She's not jealous, no sirree!
(She really isn't: jealousy is when you're worried someone will take what you have; when you want what someone else has, it's envy.) (via)
Posted in Disney, memes
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Here's to everyone visiting home this week
Don't forget to turn off motion smoothing on the TV while you're there. And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - August '13 We've all been there before Flippin' through Previews - May '15 The Justice League opens its doors … Continue reading
The power of imagination. Or optimism.
And now, some more OAFEry:A note about GI Joe terminology Transformers BotBots Q.U.R.O.B.O. 6000 review Transformers BotBots Flaredevil review Christians vs. He-Man Need some scenery for your toys?
But what of Transformers?
And now, some more OAFEry:Mystery donor leaves boxes of Star Wars toys at Japanese welfare facility Thank you for being A(deptus) friend Grogu returns to Macy's A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Be More Than Meets The Eye … Continue reading