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Tag Archives: Madballs
Madballs Blind Bags - Buzz Off review
Need a hyper-atomic, triple-charged laser gun? Buzz Off is your man. Yes, he s a super-genius but also an annoying little brother-type with geek levels that are though the roof! And now, some more OAFEry:My Toy Shrine Do not preorder … Continue reading
Madballs Blind Bags - Fist Face review
Fist Face tends to weird people out with his staring. (Hey, hard to avoid with only one eye!). Will blink once for a slice of pizza and twice for a soda but after that it's anyone's guess what he's trying … Continue reading
Madballs Blind Bags - Snake Bait review
Snake Bait is paranoid, cold-blooded and hard of hearing. He'd prefer to be home with the heat on "high" and the TV volume "up." A spitter, Snake Bait tends to "say it" and "spray it" when he speaks. And now, … Continue reading
Madballs Blind Bags - Swine Sucker review
Swine Sucker won't win awards for positivity. A spineless complainer and a serial blamer, this guy also takes credit for EVERYTHING. Don't pigs already have a bad enough rep? And now, some more OAFEry:Madballs Blind Bags - Aargh! review
Madballs Blind Bags - Bruise Brother review
Well, the second wave of Series 1 finally hit stores, and the same reader who lent us the first set has been kind enough to let us review these, as well. Bruise Brother's breath is more foul than his mouth. … Continue reading
Madballs Blind Bags - Oculus Orbus review
Fun-loving but considerate (of others having fun), Oculus Orbus is all about goofing and making everything laugh. "Eyes" just want to have fun!
Madballs Blind Bags - Slobulus review
Slobulus can't take a joke, can't tell a joke, and is often the butt of jokes. Some say he lacks vision, but who are we to judge?
Madballs Blind Bags - Dust Brain review
Three words: hungry, dopey, gassy. But even though Dust Brain's head is as empty as a zombie's tomb, he can brighten anyone's day with his contagious laugh.
Madballs Blind Bags - Screamin' Meemie review
Born enraged, Screamin' Meemie is always shattering the far end of the anger spectrum. Only his sweet poetry can (kind of) help when he's upset.
Madballs Blind Bags - Hornhead review
Horn Head enjoys ramming into things with his horn just to defend his tough guy, ready-to-fight persona. Not surprisingly, his one eye often sees double. If any Madball were going to be the face of the group, it'd be Horn … Continue reading