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Tag Archives: Valve
Team Fortress 2: Meet the Pyro (not!)
This week, Valve finally released the last of its "Meet the..." videos, which means it's time for us to update this Point of Articulation. But we don't want you to forget the cute video we had there before: And now, … Continue reading
ATFC '12 - Day 3: NECA
And now, some more OAFEry:Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 14 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #8 Rustin's Spoils of the Week # 167 Robocop addendum Flippin' through Previews - November '13
Posted in ATFC, NECA, Toy Fair, videos
Tagged Gremlins, Hunger Games, Player Select, Robocop, Rocky, Valve
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Build your own Lego "Portal" turret
Do you like this? Want to build one of your own? Well you can, thanks to Instructables. They even tell you all the pieces you'll need to get. A single page with all the instructions can be found right here … Continue reading
Top 10 Valve action figures NECA should make
Last week E3 happened, and there were lots of people going nuts over the unveiling on Nintendo's new console, and a new Halo, and blah blah blah. The real announcement is that everyone's favourite toy company, NECA, has acquired the … Continue reading →