Toy reviews
July 2004 archive:
- 31 July, 2004
- Day 4: Haunted Manison die-cast vehicles
- 30 July, 2004
- Day 3: Haunted Manison resin miniature
- 30 July, 2004
- New review posted: Poison Ivy
- 29 July, 2004
- Day 2: Haunted Manison snowglobe
- 29 July, 2004
- New review posted: Eradicator
- 28 July, 2004
- Day 1: Haunted Manison playset
- 27 July, 2004
- New feature: 13 Days of Haunted Mansion
- 26 July, 2004
- New review posted: Mandarin Spawn
- 25 July, 2004
- New review posted: Punisher
- 24 July, 2004
- New review posted: George "the Animal" Steele
- 23 July, 2004
- New Point of Articulation: I Like Big Box and I Cannot Lie
- 22 July, 2004
- New review posted: Attila the Hun
- 21 July, 2004
- New review posted: Steel
- 20 July, 2004
- New review posted: Red Skull
- 18 July, 2004
- New review posted: Sgt. Slaughter
- 17 July, 2004
- New review posted: Deadpool
- 16 July, 2004
- New review posted: Huntress
- 15 July, 2004
- New custom posted: Livewire
- 14 July, 2004
- New review posted: sti.022 - Sam & Twitch
- 12 July, 2004
- New review posted: Secret Identity Spider-Man
- 10 July, 2004
- New review posted: Morgul Lord Witch-king
- 9 July, 2004
- New review posted: Superboy
- 8 July, 2004
- New review posted: Toro Gundam
- 6 July, 2004
- New review posted: Hydro-Suit Batman
- 4 July, 2004
- New review posted: Mermaid Gundam
- 2 July, 2004
- New review posted: Beta Female - Safari
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