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Figuretoon Quickies

"William 'T. is for Tomcat' Riker"

"I'm so chilly" was a late addition: we want people to enjoy these things, to post them all over the place, so covering up blondie's nipples was a concession to family-friendliness. And since her pussy's shaved bare, you can't really "see" anything with her hips at this angle.

We also toyed (no pun intended) with the idea of making her green, for that authentic sci-fi flavor, but it didn't look very good.

Vision-Impaired Transcript

Dr. Crusher: No, Will.
Riker: But--
Dr. Crusher: No, it's ALWAYS a plot to destroy the Federation when this happens.
Dr. Crusher: Besides, those are SO plastic.
Strumpet: I'm so chilly! Brrr!

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