Figuretoon Quickies
"William 'T. is for Transmittable' Riker"
Yes, yes, Riker is a horndog. That never gets old. But, in keeping with our promise, the theme naming continues! What will "T" stand for next time? Keep reading to find out!
And now, in our continuing quest to turn into Ctrl+Alt+Del (as previously lampshaded here), a Bolian is a blue-skinned Star Trek alien, and thrush is basically a ramped-up oral yeast infection. "Bolian thrush" is Artemis' own invention, but at least this poor girl didn't develop a bifurcating ridge over her head.
And honestly, biofilters fail all the time.
Vision-Impaired Transcript
Crusher: The bioscanner confirms it, it's definitely Bolian thrush.
Girl: "Don't worry," you said! "The transporter biofilter is infallible," you said!
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