Some people claim that Jedi are chaste. Those people are just a bit crazy, and 100% wrong - even George Lucas says so. What Jedi actually are is celibate - despite what some people think, the two words aren't interchangeable. Celibacy only means refraining from marriage; chastity refers to avoiding illicit sex. You can have all the wild, freaky sex you want with your spouse, and still be chaste. But because Jedi are supposed to eschew attachments, marriage is a no-no.
Which explains why all the Jedi women dress the way they do: they can get it whenever they want, as long as it's just a one-night stand.
The Jedi in the lobby, here, are Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti, Maris Brood and Ahsoka Tano. The dancer is Lyn Me, who hung out in Jabba's palace with the Max Rebo band. Since a nexu is one of these things, the strip club's name translates as "The Naughty Tiger" or "The Naughty Kitty."
Vision-Impaired Transcript
Lyn Me: Hi, is this where the auditions are?
Maris Brood: No, you want the Naughty Nexu Strip Club, across the road. This is the Jedi Temple.
Lyn Me: Oh, sorry.
Maris Brood: It's okay, everyone makes that mistake...