Figuretoon Quickies
"The Master of Unlocking"
Often, the figure pairings in these Marvel vs. Capcom Minimates sets doesn't make a lot of sense, but the pair of Storm and Jill Valentine actually have something in common: Storm is a pickpocket and thief who really does carry her own lockpicks in her crown, while Jill is the Master of Unlocking.
Jill was originally a brunette in a sensible tactical outfit - these days she's a blonde wearing some kind of high-tech catsuit. Because if there's one thing the zombie-fighting game needed, it was more sex.
Despite Jill's witty retort, white really is Storm's natural hair color. The women in her family have always had it.
Vision-Impaired Transcript
Storm: Master of what?
Storm: Bitch, I was hiding lockpicks in my headdress when your mama was still rendered in 8-bit.
Jill Valentine: At least I admit I dye my hair. Look at you, with that fake-ass weave!
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