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Figuretoon Quickies

"Even Better Than a Chainsaw"

Ash Williams with a Green Lantern buzzsaw instead of his usual chainsaw

When Ash lost his hand, he famously replaced it with a chainsaw; but what if there were a better option available?

It's in the Necronomicon:
"They'll swallow your soul."
"You're dead by dawn."
Ignore those stupid screw-head things.
Beware MY power!
Hail to the king.

You know he'd make a great Green Lantern, too: it's all about will, right? Did we mention he cut off his own hand when it went evil? He'll do whatever it takes to win.

The buzzsaw originally came with Gold, but was cast in translucent green plastic for a TRU-exclusive GL/Sinestro two-pack.

Vision-Impaired Transcript

Ash: Groovy.

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