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Figuretoon Quickies

"Move over, Molotov"

Brock Samson is flat on the ground, with Black Widow standing on his throat and pointing a gun at his head

In the world of The Venture Bros., Brock Samson really is an unstoppable ass-kicking machine. But put him in the 616 universe, and the average Marvel hero would have him crawling home in two minutes.

Clearly Brock saw Black Widow, a redheaded Russian spy in a black leather bodysuit, and mistook her for his beloved Molotov Cocktease. But Natasha had no trouble fending off his advances.

Vision-Impaired Transcript

Black Widow: Listen, Mr. Samson, you may be Big King Poop in whatever cartoon world you call home, but call me "Molotov" again and you'll be nothing but a red smear under the helicarrier.
Brock Samson: I think I'm in love!

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