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Figuretoon Quickies

"The Merger"

Earlier this year, Disney bought Lucasfilm and with it, Star Wars. So this Figuretoon imagines the two brands' first corporate get-together.

We didn't make this one: it was Simon Pegg. Yes, that Simon Pegg. He posted the two images on Twitter, and we just cleaned them up (you know, "de-Instagraming" them) and put his captions on. But this is 100% his gag.

And look at that second panel: they all match up with characters who are perfect for them! Belle gets the giant furry guy, Snow gets a dwarf, and Ariel hooks up with the giant fish-man. That's bloody brilliant!

Vision-Impaired Transcript

Caption: Tensions ran high at the Disney Christmas party...
Caption: ...but eventually things warmed up and new friendships were forged.

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