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Figuretoon Quickies

"The Legend of Scooby Hollow"

Scooby-Doo episodes always ended with the gang pulling the mask off the monster of the week; but what happens when you pull his "mask" and it's just his skin that sloughs right off, revealing the bones beneath?

Shaggy and Velma come from the Scooby-Doo! Friends & Foes Collection. The Headless Horseman is from McFarlane Toys. He was about 10% too large to fit with the kids, so we had to shrink him to make the scene work.

Vision-Impaired Transcript

Velma: Jinkies! This isn't how I imagined the unmasking going!
Shaggy: Like, we saw him kill and eat Scoob, man! Somthin' had to be up!
Horseman: Hsss!

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