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Figuretoon Quickies

"Just the Dip"

Fungus Fries, covered in goo, stands next to Brrr Beast

Everybody out there dips their fries in their Frosty, right? It's a delicious thing that we all just started doing somehow?

Fungus Fries has had his colors changed from moldy green to the light tan of a Frosty, because otherwise he'd look disgusting. Brrr Beast has added detail on the plaid shirt.

The original plan was to leave the Fries looking gross, and the Frosty would be saying "ew, no," or possibly "you don't look like your profile picture," but isn't it nicer to have happy characters than sad? The title refers to the saying "just the tip," when a guy is trying to talk his partner into sex. Fungus Fries heavy panting, coupled with the fact he's absolutely drenched in Frosty, implies some very vigorous oral.

Vision-Impaired Transcript

Fries: *out of breath, panting heavily*
Brrr Beast: I like your enthusiasm!

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