Zanzibar was raised on a garbage scow and spent most of his youth picking pockets on crowded piers. He's tried river piracy, stock fraud and smuggling, but they were too much like real work and not nasty enough for his tastes. His lucky break came when he delivered bootleg gas to a filling station owned by Zartan and was immediately invited to join the Dreadnok gang.
Of all the figures in this set, Zanzibar has changed the most. If you were shown this figure with no further information, you might be able to guess he's meant to be the same as this guy, but chances are slim. The fact that he uses Iron Grenadier Destro's legs makes him look vaguely "piratey," but that's about all he has going for him. I guess every group of figures needs one to be the worst, so at least in this set it's easy to pick.
Zanzibar gets a new head, just like all the Dreadnoks in this set, but
his is... let's not beat around the bush, it's terrible. It looks entirely out of place, like it was designed for some other toy and repurposed as Zanzibar. Anybody know if there was going to be a pirate in that scrapped Jurassic Park line? His eyepatch isn't even on the right side! He's got a fauxhawk and a mullet, instead of the ponytail from the previous versions. Man, this thing is a total mess, and does nothing to redeem the lame design.
He's got the same shoulderpads/belt/holster combo
that Taurus wore, so it seems likely that piece was designed to split the difference between the two characters. It's closer to Zanzibar's waist, since he's a shorter figure. He has the same knife to put in the holster, but a new flintlock pistol to go in the holster over his heart. He gets the same sword and snub-nose pistol that IG Destro had, so the gun fits in the holster on his leg. Overall: nice accessories, but a crap figure to put them on.
Really, though, Zanzibar is the only clunker in this set. The rest of the 'noks are awesome, even with the changes that have been made to make them more "G3 friendly." So yeah, this set is definitely worth buying, if you're a Dreadnok fan - but it does make you ask yourself whether it's better to get an entire box set where all the figures have a few corners cut, or one where most of the figures knock it out of the park and one is majorly disappointing.
-- 01/20/12