Repeater is a seasoned combat specialist on the GI Joe team and tests the latest military advances in machine guns. Always the first one to charge into battle, he meets the MARS Industries troopers head-on when they attack the team's headquarters.
Hey, speaking of changing races, here's Repeater! The original Repeater, released in 1988, was white; that means this set has a black guy who used to be a white guy, an angry guy who used to be a mellow guy, and a girl guy who used to be a guy guy. The times, they are a-changing! It's not like this is some major upheaval for the character, though. He barely ever appeared, and his filecard was all about how he'd been a soldier for 20 years but never worked his way up the chain of command - something this version's mention of him being a "seasoned combat specialist" seems to mirror.
Repeater is another Sgt. Stone repaint, but he doesn't even get the benefit of a new vest, like Footloose had - he does have a different head, at least. It was originally Serpentor's, so at least he doesn't look like any other Joes (or any other movie characters). The nose is a bit narrow for a black guy, but it's not noticable from a distance. He still has a very bored look on his face, though.
Repeater's accessories are the vest mentioned above, the same gun Resolute Roadblock carried, and a hat. It's one of those slighty squarish baseball caps military types often wear, and was first seen with Shockblast. The original figure was armed with a "steadi-cam" machine gun, so it's disappointing that there was no way to do the same here.
The Troop Builder 5 Packs are a decent idea with so-so execution. Yes, buying one will fill up your ranks
pretty well, but the way they're frankensteined isn't the best. They're mediocre and visually uninteresting. If you paid full price for these (the $30 range), there's not a lot to recommend them. However, the sets made their way to closeout retailers, so it's possible to get these five figures for the price of only two, and that definitely makes them seem a lot better. None of the figures is truly bad - in fact, a few small changes could have made them all very, very good - so if you find this one at your idea of the right price, go for it!
-- 12/10/10