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The Gross-Out-The-Girlfriend-Meter (GotGM)

by Poe Ghostal

I came up with the idea of the Gross-Out-the-Girlfriend-Meter (GotGM) after seeing the "Thing" action figure from McFarlane Toys' Movie Maniacs III toyline. I liked the film The Thing and considered buying the monster. Then it occurred to me that the thing was pretty hideous, and anyone who looked at it - in particular, my girlfriend - might be (quite rightly) repulsed, and then might (perhaps less rightly) make a judgement about my state of mind or character based on my ownership of such a thing.

The GotGM's existence was further justified by the advent of McFarlane's Tortured Souls line - each figure of which earns a 9 or 10 on the GotGM. A G.I. Joe action figure earns a 1; Talisac from Tortured Souls earns a 10.

The GotGM is by no means intended to provide an objective measurement. It even extends to -10, which would be a disgustingly sweet action figure, such as a Care Bear figure. Also, since companies like Chaos Comics and McFarlane Toys make some creations that could be considered pretty blasphemous, I also take religious connotations into account: devilish and demonic figures might get a higher GotGM rating due to their very nature.

Of course, it should be noted that there are all sorts of girls (and women) out there who may want to own a Tortured Soul themselves, never mind caring whether their boyfriend has one. The GotGM is an entirely subjective number provided by me, based on my observations of so-called "normal" girls. (Okay, how much trouble am I in at this point, ladies?)

Of course, the meter works for both males and females - I don't want to seem sexist. I have simply become used to calling it the GotGM and like the way it sounds. But for all you females out there, you can always just swap "girlfriend" for "guyfriend" or change the meter to "GotBM."


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