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"The Old Team Reunited"

pt. 1

Stan Lee arrives in heaven, standing in front of the pearly gates. Yes, we know Jews don't have a cartoony concept of "heaven" like this, but it's for the bit. A caption reads "November 12, 2018." Stan has his hands in his pockets, and is looking around smiling. "Ah, it's my time at last. Well, it was a good life!" From off-panel, a loud voice yells "Stanley!" Stan, whips around toward the source of the voice, and says "oh no!" Jack Kirby walks in, with his arm held back and his hands balled into fists. "I've been waiting 24 years for this moment!" he exclaims. Stan puts his hands up, saying "wait, wait!" Jack grabs him in a big bear hug with a "hug" sound. Stan's arms are pinned up against his body, with his hands waving in the air. Jack lets him go, and Stan says "you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Chuckling, Jack responds "too late." Page 2: Stan admits "I thought you might slug me when I got here," and Jack confesses "maybe I shoulda, but I've had time to get over it. Being up here gives you perspective." A bit angrily, he continues, "you still should have fought harder for me back then." Stan, plaintive, explains "Martin had sold the company! I wasn't even able to fight for *me* at the time!" Putting his hand on Jack's shoulder, Stan says "I really was hurt when you left." Looking away, Jack says "you got rich off our work," referring to himself and all the other artists. Stan sadly confirms "that's true." Jack, pointing an accusatory finger at Stan, says "you took all the credit for everyone's work." Before Stan can protest, he corrects himself: "Fine, you didn't stop others from giving you all the credit." Stan admits this is "also true." Jack crosses his arms and looks away. "That said... you acting like a huckster made Marvel bigger than it woulda been without you. And that meant more success for all us artists. Stan, taken aback, can only muster a slightly befuddled "...thank you?" Jack turns back around and curtly says "that doesn't mean you shouldn't have given us more credit." Stan, bowing his head, agrees. "You're right, and I'm sorry." Page 3: Jack puts his arm around Stan's shoulder. "Apologies actually mean sumthin' up here. It's literally impossible to be insincere. So I know you mean it." Warming up, Stan says "Gee, I wish you could have been there to see the success our stories have had in the last few years. I wish you could have been part of it." Jack nods his head slightly. "I know." Walking off the direction he came, Jack says "come on, let's go mess up some Nazis." Stan is alarmed by this. "What? Why are there Nazis in heaven?!" Jack, suddenly holding a baseball bat he never had before, explains, "this is my heaven. And it turns out my heaven is also Nazi Hell." He offers Stan a crowbar, and Stan accepts it, saying "that's a very efficient system." We then see the pearly gates with no one in front of them, but copious amounts of blood fly in from off-screen, where incredible violence (that we don't get to see) is happening. From off-panel, Stan says "It's terrific to see you again, pal." Jack, grumbling, replies "ah, shaddup and keep whackin'." The comic ends with a new voice, presumably one of the Nazis, crying "Mein leben" like the old Wolfenstein games in a "German" style font.

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