
Figuretoon Quickies
"I Can Haz Frottage?"
This was just a random image for the Catra review, but it was too good to waste on that, so we turned it into a Figuretoon.
To fully understand this Figuretoon, you only need to know a few things:
- LOLcats: pictures of cats with silly misspelt text on them.
- Rule 34: if it exists, there IS porn of it.
- Frottage: dry humping.
- Maize: you call it "corn."
The chick Catra's posing with? One of those weird "adult superstar" toys. The variant version, in fact.
Vision-Impaired Transcript
Caption: Given the nature of the internet, it was only a matter of time before Rule 34 caught up with the lolcats.
Julie Meadows: Rowrr!
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