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Noble Gundam

G Gundam
by yo go re

My anime exposure comes mostly from TV, whether it's Saturday morning fare or late night cable. Such is the case with G Gundam. Sort of an "Ethnic Stereotype Olympics," the show is crammed full of wonderfully designed bots. While the dialogue may be a bit cheesy sometimes, the storyline itself is quite interesting and has enough twists to keep you scratching your head.

Set in Future Century 60, it is the year of the 13th Gundam Fight! Each country has sent their Gundam to Earth in hopes of winning power and glory for their homeland. Which Gundam will rule the universe? Gundam fight ready, go!

Yeah, that makes sense.

Anyway, each Gundam is designed to represent its country. Or, more accurately, what Japanese animators think of its country. Neo-America's Gundam Maxter, run by a pilot with pink-streaked hair and a support team of bikini girls, combines football, boxing, surfing and cowboys. God, Japan hates us. Of course, it could be worse; Neo-Mexico's Tequilla Gundam wears a giant metal sombrero and has a cactus on his shoulder.

The choice for Neo-Sweden is best described as "esoteric." Apparently the best anyone could come up for Sweden was a Japanese schoolgirl. Though the girls' school uniform is a mainstay of anime, popping up in everythng from Sailor Moon to Inu Yasha, it still doesn't relate to a Nordic country. Okay, I realize that windmills, vikings, and giant fish were already taken, but there had to be something at least tangentially connected. But no. Instead, giant metal robot Japanese schoolgirl.

Noble Gundam (in Japan, she's "Nobel" Gundam, as in the Prize, though while that is Swedish, I'm not sure how a giant fighting robot is peaceful) has the same red and blue that seems to be so standard in Gundam design. To complete the look, she's got high heels. Robotic high heels! The long blonde metal hair that hangs down to her knees splays out when she enters Berserk Mode (as seen in our not-for-kids Figuretoon). The back of her collar pulls off and can be replaced with a set of rocket boosters, simulating how they fold out of her back.

Though pilot Allenby Beardsly (in Japanese, that's "Biazury") is a talented fighter, easily the equal of series hero Domon Kasshu, her suit's main weapon is just as feminine as its design. While many of the Gundams have a beam sword (imagine a four-story tall lightsaber), Noble Gundam has a beam ribbon. Yes, the technological equivalent of that ribbon-on-a-stick utilized in gymnastics competitions.

Noble Gundam is 4¼" tall, which puts her at a 1/144th scale. I always liked the 1/100th models, but since G Gundam never got a lot of those kits, I foresee a lot of Mobile Suit in Action figures making their way into my collection. She moves at the neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. She comes with five hands (two open, two fists, and one to hold either of two varying-length ribbons), interchangable hair and backpacks, and a tiny Berserker system control vehicle.

The real reason I bought Noble Gundam is because I wanted to create a "dark" version of her. While Dark Noble does come with the deluxe Walter Gundam set, she lacks accessories. Thus, I repainted mine. She's still got all the playability, but now has a cooler color scheme. I got my modelling fix even though it's just an action figure!

Allenby is one of the best characters on G Gundam, even if her mobile suit is pretty stupid and amagingly sexist. I suppose I could recommend this to anyone collecting schoolgirl memorabilia, but that's about it. I like mine, especially her new paint job, but for the most part she's one to leave on the shelf.

-- 03/26/03

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