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Shadow Tracker

GI Joe Classified Series
by yo go re

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

Shadow Tracker works for Cobra as a wilderness hunter and guide. He tracks his prey using primal instinct: he hears the dark whispers of the jungle, senses distant footfalls in the earth, and tastes his victim's fear in the wind. When his quarry sets foot in the jungle, Shadow Tracker instantly knows and starts the hunt.

So he's Recondo, but evil? Shadow Tracker is one of the newer characters introduced to GI Joe, having made his debut in 2011 as part of the Pursuit of Cobra line. Classified has done new characters, it's done Generation 3, it's done Generation 2... really, we just need them to find an excuse to update some Sigma 6 or GI Joe Extreme characters to really tie this all together. Yeah, those are some goofy designs, but you know you'd be a little excited to see Lt. Stone or Iron Klaw done in this style.

Shadow Tracker is a perfect example of what we mean when we say we don't want the Classified figures to just be larger versions of the old toys: like the G3 version, he's wearing green pants and a vest, but there are a ton of changes in the small details. Like, the old toy had his pantlegs outside his boots, while this new one tucks them in. He has knee and thigh pads, and instead of gloves that have lights on the forearm, he's wearing simple armored pads and has attached some bones to the right arm - which may be a coded reference to the Predator's wrist blades? There are more bones on a necklace, and some animal's skull on a pad on his right shoulder - that's definitely new! And so is the leopard pelt he wears around his waist. The PoC Shadow Tracker already looked vicious, but this one is even worse.

Almost as if this were the same character, just with a few more years on his record, his dreadlocks are now long enough to reach the small of his back. He still has that unsettling skeletal face, though it does look less organic and more stylized this time - you don't need to worry that all the skin has been stripped off his actual face. As before, that gets covered by a translucent yellow-green mask, but no longer do you need to crack the glue to pry it off: it's designed as a separate piece that clips onto the figure securely. If you really look at the sculpt, it appears to be a high-tech copy of a skull.

Making the mask removable (on purpose) has allowed for another new feature: the figure includes a second mask you can choose to give him instead! This one is not clear, but rather some sort of animal skull with a little bit of fur behind it, because he will never not be creepy. Both versions look pretty nice in place on his head, and stay attached firmly; don't worry that it's going to go flying off if you jostle him even slightly.

While the toy does get all the same articulation as everybody else (ankles, boots, knees, thighs, hips, waist, chest, wrists, elbows, biceps, shoulders, and head), but not all of it works. Like, he can turn at the waist, no problem, but don't expect him to ever hunch over in that stiff vest. Plus, the dreads mean he can't move his head back or turn it to the side well, and the combo of a collar on the vest and the chin on the mask(s) means he can't really look down, either. You'll definitely be able to find some good poses for him, but you will have a few spots to work around when you do.

Pursuit of Cobra was when Hasbro was loading its Joes down with as many accessories as humanly possible, so Shadow Tracker had various knives and snares and whatnot. Classified Shadow Tracker doesn't come with quite as much, but it's all suitable and all fits on his person at once. There's a quiver backpack with a single removable arrow, a very complicated compound bow, a removable stabilizer for the bow, an advanced khukri knife, and a large hatchet. The hatchet can be carried on his leg, and the backpack has spaces for everything else, meaning the only accessory you need to worry about is whichever mask he's not wearing at the time.

Shadow Tracker is a Walmart exclusive, released during the Fall 2023 "Collector Con" alongside a Night Force Tunnel Rat and a brand new Joe codenamed Wolf Spider. Shadow Tracker was one of the most popular new characters introduced during all of Generation 3, so it's not too surprising that Hasbro's decided to give him a Classified update now.

-- 03/29/24

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