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Inosuke Hashibira

Demon Slayer
by yo go re

Try and take the conch now, I dare you!

He joins the Demon Slayer Corps at the same time as Tanjiro. Inosuke is a very aggressive boy, and is always seen wearing a wild boar mask. Because he grew up in the mountains, he has an acute sense of touch which enables him to locate anything that he cannot see in his immediate surroundings.

Inosuke Hashibira is easily the most dinstinctive member of the main Demon Slayer cast. Everybody else looks like they could be from Naruto or any other shonen anime, but the guy with a pig's head? That stands out! When Inosuke was still a baby, his mother left her abusive spouse, and accidentally ended up joining a cult. Trying to escape them as well, she ended up trapped, and in a desperate effort to at least save her baby, threw him in the river, where he was eventually found and raised by wild boars.

And yes, that means the pig head is just a mask he's wearing - there's a variant Inosuke available that shows his pretty pretty face, but why would you get that when you can get the real look? Obviously giving him a removable mask would have been the ideal choice, but that also would have cost Todd more money. The mask is real cute though, with its furry neck and triangular snout and those big eyes. I don't know how a kid raised by 30-50 feral hogs knew how to clean and cure a real boar's head so that it would stand up to use and not, you know, "rot," but every story has some elements of fantasy in it.

Being a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, Inosuke is assigned a uniform to wear to match all the rest of them. And being a wild boy who grew up in the mountains, as soon as he gets one he immediately modifies it to suit him better: no skirt, a belt made of deer skin, and bear fur socks. He's ridiculously muscular, as he is in the source material, and it's quite impressive that the different types of fur his outfit uses are done with different textures. That's something that would have been easy to overlook, especially on a short character like this, but the sculptor got it right.

Unlike the failed Avatar line, the Demon Slayer figures are not oversized. However, they may be under: according to the manga, Inosuke is 5'5" tall; the toy is 5¾", which means he's in the "slightly over six-inch" scale of Marvel Legends, rather than the 7" scale McToys' site claims it is. Hope you didn't want to use Todd's toys to stage a Demon Slayer/My Hero crossover on your shelves, because it ain't happening. For the record, a 7" scale Inosuke would be about 6⅜" tall: not a huge difference, but definitely enough to notice that this is wrong. Todd McFarlane does not understand scale. The fur belt limites the hip joints somewhat, but all the rest of the joints are on par with what we get from McFarlane these days.

Since the mask is sadly not an accessory, all Inosuke gets are his two swords, and hands open to hold them (his other hands being closed fists). The Demon Slayer Corps provides its members with swords, and the blacksmiths hate Inosuke as much as the tailors do, because he tears swords up just like he does his clothes. He purposely chips his blades so they're almost serrated, and this toy's weapon molds do feature the proper kind of cutouts along their length. Hooray for detail!

Inosuke Hashibira the pig-headed boy is a wonderfully oddball character, and this is a very nice toy of him. It'd be even nicer if it actually fit with the other anime figures McFarlane makes, or if the guy understood the concept of scale even a little bit and could get all his toys to match up with one another.

-- 09/15/24

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