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Wednesday - Enid Sinclair

Toony Terrors
by yo go re

So, do you think she's related to the other "Sinclair" we reviewed this week?

Enid is Wednesday's super bubbly roommate at Nevermore Academy. She's all bright colors, warm fuzzies and school spirit - in other words, she's Wednesday's nightmare. While the two mismatched souls begin their cohabitation at odds, Enid and Wednesday form an unexpected friendship throughout the semester.

In 2001's Ghost World, the role of Enid Coleslaw was originally going to be played by Christina Ricci, but by the time the film went into production, she felt she was too old to play a recent high school graduate and dropped out (of the film, not out of high school) and the role instead went to Thora Birch. Thora Birch was supposed to be in Wednesday, but had to leave the production, and her role was rewritten for Christini Ricci. Christina Ricci, who famously played Trixie in Speed Racer Wednesday in the 1990s Addams Family movies. Meanwhile, Emma Myers auditioned for the role of the new Wednesday, but was cast as Enid Sinclair instead. It's Wednesdays and recastings and Enids all the way down!

NECA's Toony Terrors have a cartoony look (like they're about to meet Scooby-Doo or something), which should mean they don't have to worry about paying for any likeness rights. This still manages to look quite a lot like the character, thanks to her weird cheeks and Harley Quinn hair. Seriously, designers? I know you want her to look more colorful to contrast Wednesday, but you couldn't come with anything that isn't already strongly associated with a different character?

Below the neck and above the wrists, this figure is entirely the same mold as Wednesday was. I suppose that makes sense to an extent, since they're attending the same school and wearing the same uniform, but it's still noticeable that both girls hold their arms the same way and everything. Enid's hands are different, because she's not snapping her fingers. Instead, she's got her fingers curled like she's going to claw someone. (It's revealed, near the end of the first episode, that the reason Enid is attending Halliwell Magic School is because she's a latent werewolf who's having trouble changing.)

When I watched Wednesday, I didn't realize it was directed by Tim Burton, though I should have: just look at those vertical stripes on the Nevermore uniform! Timmy loves him some stripes. Even more than he loves unanswerable Jeopardy questions. Wednesday's outfit was black because she claims to be allergic to color, but the rest of the students wear it in purple - yes, it looks blue in some scenes, but when they're outside it's clear that appearance is just lighting, not the actual hue. Because of the shared molds, this figure tells us Wednesday must have been wearing leggings, because Enid's got pink socks that stop mid-shin. NECA's even remembered to paint her nails in rainbow colors.

There's not much articulation here. The figure has a balljointed head, swivel shoulders, and swivel wrists. It's really a question of fine-tuning her pose, more than being able to give her more than one. The perfectly upright posture worked better for the staid Wednesday than it does for the much more energetic Enid, especially if she's supposed to be threatening someone with her claws.

By herself, Enid Sinclair would not be worth getting - like, you might pick up a Wednesday alone, but Enid? Not so much. But she's a great companion piece to the Wednesday figure, and the two of them make a better display together than either of them would alone.

-- 10/17/24

The hair color, the rainbow nails, the threat of her parents sending her to conversion therapy... could the metaphor be any more blatant? Tell us on our message board, the Loafing Lounge.

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