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The Vision

by yo go re

He's been locked up inside a building for five years - of course he's lost all his color!

Harnessing the power of density manipulation with computer precision, Vision is a hero whoa [sic] defies the very laws of nature.

Loki may have teed up the next few phases of the MCU, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier proved that there are always consequences to these movies even if we don't see them, but Wandavision was easily the best of the initial batch of Disney+ shows. It was stylistically spot-on, emotionally complex, and smart as hell - not many other superhero properties would exchange their big final fight for a debate about philosophy, and fewer still would be able to make it work.

"White Vision" was a pretty important development in the comics, and it seemed like his greyed-out body at the end of Infinity War was all we'd be getting of it in the movies. Surprise! The circumstances of the conversion are even similar. As you may expect, the majority of this figure's molds are the same used on the two previous Marvel Legends - it may have taken a long time for Hasbro to initially get a Vision into the toyline, but since then they've certainly gotten some mileage out of the steel tools it takes to make him.

The only new parts of the sculpt are the cape and the head: the cape because it doesn't hang as low and has a slightly different collar, and the head because there's no longer a Mind Stone stuck in his forehead. Not a real one, at least. The Paul Bettany likeness is good, even with no paint to help accentuate it, but it's a shame the robot details get lost in all the white.

Most of the toy has simply been molded in color, which makes sense: why on Earth would you pay to paint something that doesn't need it? The body is a little bit off-white, but not enough to look incorrect; you wouldn't even notice it if not for the true white on his collar (the PVC cape is molded from clear plastic, so that part needed to be painted to look accurate). His greaves and bracers are ecru, to make them stand out and help break up the visual, and the details on his belt are picked out with a pearlescent sheen. The eyes are solid white as well, and the tiny gem on his forehead is a pale blue.

Vihz has swivel/hinge ankles, double-hinged knees, swivel thighs, balljointed hips, a swivel waist, hinged chest, swivel/hinge wrists, double-hinged elbows, swivel biceps, swivel/hinge shoulders, a hinged neck, and balljointed head. The shins look like they should be swivels, but mine definitely don't want to move even a millimeter. The cape os permanently glued into his back, but it doesn't block the legs too badly. Unlike the Endgame release of Vision, this one actually gets the alternate fists that can swap at the wrist.

He also gets two pieces of this series' Build-A-Figure. Or "Build-A-Wing," maybe. It's Falcon's wings, and Vision gets the two pieces that attach directly to the backpack, holding the rest of the wing on.

When DC published its Young Justice comic, featuring a group of its new generation of teen heroes, the kids were overseen by Red Tornado, a robot confused about his humanity and trying to determine his role in the world. If you've been paying attention to the secondary characters being introduced in the recent movies and shows, it seems pretty clear they're building toward introducing the Young Avengers (Stature in Endgame, Speed and Wiccan in Wandavision, Patriot in Falcon, Hawkeye in the upcoming Hawkeye show), so having White Vision act in the Red Tornado role for that team could totally work. Good thing it didn't take as long for this Vision toy to come out as the first one did.

-- 10/04/21

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