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Anya Forger

Spy x Family
by yo go re

Look who's ready for a family ooting!

A psychic who can read the minds of others, created by chance in a certain organization's experiment. She was at an orphanage and Loid took her in. Although she keeps her supernatural powers a secret from those around her, she realizes that Loid is a spy and secretly strives to help him.

In order to carry out his assignment, Operation Strix, Agent Twilight needed to get close to a foreign politician. But because the politician was a paranoid recluse, the only time he ever appeared in public was at events for his son's school. So what to do? Adopt a child and enroll her in the same school! An elegant solution!

As a telepath, Anya was used to using her powers to draw the information she needed from the people around her - but that didn't work for the Eden Academy entrance exam, because all the kids were in over their heads and absolutely lost on the test. She still managed to score high enough on the test to be admitted, and soon found herself enrolled in school for the first time in her life.

The Eden uniform is a black knee-length dress with gold trim along the lower edge and the sleeves, worn over a white shirt and a red tie, and also includes white knee socks and black Mary Janes. The vertical stitching on the dress (one line on the back, two on the front, one on each sleeve) is simply painted on, but the square collar is sculpted, as are the details in the bands of trim at the edges. Her pink hair contrasts against the black of the dress in a lovely way, and even the hair ornaments that form the little "horns" on the sides of her head are black and gold like the school uniform.

Test Subject Zero-Zero-Seven may be an SH Figuarts release, but there's only so much articulation you can put into a figure of this size (even counting the ahoge hair sticking up off the top of her head doesn't quite bring her up to the 3¼" mark). Still they certainly jammed in the most they possibly could, giving her almost as much as the full-sized figures. She has swivel/hinge/swivel ankles, hinged knees (with limited swivels above and below), swivel thighs, balljointed hips, a barbell torso, swivel wrists, swivel/hinge elbows, barbell shoulders, and a barbell head. That's an astounding level of movement for what, in some other lines, would have been a glorified accessory.

She doesn't include any accessories, but there is an above-average number of alternate bodyparts. In addition to your choice of four styles of hand - open, closed, splayed, or pointing - she gets a whopping six alternate faces. The normal face she has on right out of the box is just a pleasant little smile, but then you can also make her look deliriously happy (open mouth, closed eyes, blush lines on the cheeks), determined (eyes wide, small frown, angry brows), enraptured (sparkling eyes, mouth agape), disbelieving (featureless narrow eyes, a straight line of a mouth), openly weeping (eyes and mouth are both wobbly, tears welling, wrinkles on her chin), or completely aghast (eyes huge, mouth alarmed, and blue lines of shock on her cheeks and forehead). So much personality!!

Unlike some companies, who would have used this figure as an excuse to bilk customers, Bandai Namco made the 3" tall toy just as good as the 6" tall ones, used the leftover space in the packaging to give her some extras, and still charged less for her than the adult characters in the line. Is that even legal? Aren't they just supposed to charge the same and pocket the difference?

-- 01/18/25

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