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Fourth Sister

SW Obi-Wan Kenobi
by yo go re

With no revealed name yet, we'll just call this girl "Jeannemary Chatur." If you know you know.

A member of the dreaded Inquisitorius, Fourth Sister is loyal to the cause and carries out the Grand Inquisitor's orders to hunt down any fugitive Force wielders.

The Kenobi figures only have info about the show on the back of the box, so that text comes from StarWars.com's official Databank entry - and it's literally every word they have about her, because the show is the only place she's legitimately appeared so far, and she didn't have much of anything to do in it, other than glowering at Reva whenever she tried to give orders. No name, no personality, no nothing other than being invited to show up in the group shots... in another era, she'd be a prime candidate to star in some books or videogames and become a major fan-fave over time. You have your assignment, officially sanctioned writers; make the Fourth Sister into someone more than just her clothes.

When the Fourth Sister was introduced, she was literally just her clothes: "she" showed up at Vader's Mustafar castle in a comicbook, but it turned out to be an impostor wearing the Fourth Sister's stolen uniform. Which seems like a story waiting to be told, doesn't it? Like, did someone just break into her locker and steal her clothes while she was in the shower or something? Or did a random non-Jedi Rebel manage to somehow get the drop on her and win a fight? Was she just tied up and stuffed in a closet somewhere, or was she dead? Her outfit is more martial than the Second Sister's was, looking more like armor than a military uniform. She's got a stiff breastplate with small spikes on the shoulders, worn over a soft coat that reaches all the way down to her knees. The sleeves of the coat are ribbed, and she's got gauntlets that are just technological enough to look like something she took off a Mandalorian or something.

We don't yet know what species Fourth Sister is; she's humanoid (which means she's just the same basic shape, rather than being genetically related), but she's got yellow skin and several small, striped tentacles hanging from the back of her scalp. On the show, the markings on her face looked brown, but for this toy they're closer to red than burgundy. She wears a cowl that covers her entire head, but leaves the face exposed.

She didn't really have anything to do in her Obi-Wan appearances, but Fourth Sister is still an Inquisitor, so she's got to be Force-sensitive and she's got to be good at fighting, and therefore the regular Black Series articulation serves her well. The toy has a barbell head, swivel/hinge shoulders, swivel/hinge elbows, swivel/ hinge wrists, a balljointed chest, balljoint hips, swivel thighs, swivel/hinge knees, and swivel/hinge ankles. Her stiff PVC skirt prevents the legs from moving very much, sadly, and while that may be true to the TV show, it's not great for the toy.

We get the typical Inquisatorius spinning lightsaber, though Hasbro passed on the opportunity to actually make them spin. To make her rung distinct from everyone else's, it has two notches on each hemisphere of the circle, offset to be near the blade emitter. If you remove the blades, you can store the weapon on her back.

Given how weird the Fifth Brother and Grand Inquisitor looked when they got ported to live action, it's hard to predict how the Fourth Sister would look in a more animated medium. Would we even be able to recognize her? Hopefully some day we find out. No point in letting potential go to waste.

-- 01/13/24

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